Wednesday, November 16, 2011

PCR round X

before purifying DNA for R1

before purifying DNA for R2

X-shows infinity...hahah not sure already how many times im doing it..luckily its all in my log book..

Ive to do it all over again since the purified samples prepared previously have been used for DGGE but unfortunately, no results. Still figuring out whats the problem. ive asked some experts, they were also not sure and aware of my problems..

1-Preparation of PCR samples, 25microlitre (mixture of DNA; R1 and R2 + nuclease free water + primer 357F-GC and 518R+Green Master Mix)

2-Run for PCR, programmed A at CDDR lab, machine 1 (near the sink) and for about 6 hours, starts at almost 10.30am, finished at about 4pm.

3-Prepare my gels at Brain lab, so i need 2 large sets of agarose gel. (mixture of 6microli of etbr + 140ml of 1X TAE buffer + 1.8g of agarose powder)

4-Mix up the DNA ladder, 100bp and orange loading dye. (mixture of 5 and 2 microlit respectively)

5- Load all my samples, Gel D is for R1 and gel E is for R2. 15 wells all together. 14 samples and 1 well for control.

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