Tried to run AAS today..trying to learn A-Z step, starting from switching on the plug, gases, flame, check on sensitivity, troubleshooting and running few standards...
various lamps (depends on ur metal of interest)
the acetylene
air compressor
AAS, use only acetylene and Nitrous oxide gases but it depends on the metal of interest..could detect only 1 metal at a time. need to have its own metal lamp before can proceed with experiment. If we want to run Nickel and Manganese, have to make sure we have those lamps..Need to prepare ultra pure water (UPW) and nitric acid for washing (3-5%).
It doesnt require long time for warming up, only about half an hour..likewise ICP, it requires at least 3 hours and more complicated during start up. I found out that using AAS, could make my life easier..heheh but the problem is, it could not detect metals at more than 5ppm.Cancel using AAS, so we end up just trying to familiarize with it..